Hammer and Chisel update

The program

The workouts primarily focus on building muscle. We use hand weights in  pretty much each workout during the week. The focus switches from day to day so that your muscles continue to guess what is being worked and you dictate the intensity. 

I have stuck with lighter weights for the majority of the program. When we are doing lunges or squats and we add weight to them, I go up to 20 pounds weight. The remainder of the program I am going between 10 and 15 pound weights, depending on what muscle group we are working.

The workouts range in time from 20 minutes to 40 minutes. There is one rest day amongst the program each week.

This program, along with all other Beachbody programs, are now available to stream. I love not having to fumble around with DVD’s anymore! What’s even better is how extremely affordable the on demand access is. It’s like having 24 hour mobile access to a personal gym. Not every workout needs equipment, which makes the streaming even that much more valuable to some. This access is available for less than $20 a month.

The trainers

In this program we get to workout with two of Beachbody’s master trainers, Sagi Kaliv and Autumn Calabrese. They both focus on building muscle but each have a different approach to reaching the goal. Sagi, also known as the Hammer, focuses on heavier weighted routines with staggered repetition of each move. Autumn, also known as the Chisel, focuses on HITT style routines.

Results so far

My goal with this round of workout has been to tone my muscles. In 2015 I had really defined my body and over the last year lost most of it, especially in my abs. I am content at the weight I am currently, I know that as I continue to build muscle the scale will go up.

Although weight loss has not been my goal, since I started to program I have lost 1.4 pounds. I have also lost an inch in my waist, half an inch in my hips and my thighs are now the same size. (I have always seen a difference between my right and left leg. I am right leg dominant and always wonder if this is why there usually is a difference.

Half way through the program and I am enjoying it! The trainers usually keep us laughing and sometimes even distract us with their silly antics so we keep moving forward with the workout.


Accountability matters

I know that I wouldn’t want to be on my fitness journey alone! The last month my husband has completed each workout with me (one day he’ll share his success stories too 😉 ). We have worked out together very consistently over the last three years. I know that’s not the case for everyone and that is why online fitness groups are SUPER important and aide in the accountability process.

We participated in a fitness group for the month of January and because of the added accountability, we didn’t skip a workout. Fast forward to the month of February, because we haven’t been consistent with our accountability posts in the group, we have missed two workouts. We have purposed to be better about our check-ins and ensure that we get our workouts done. Not only because we want to accomplish our goals but because there are others in our group that are pushing towards their goals too!

So if you are ready to begin or your journey, or maybe you have started the journey but need to added encouragement and motivation, I am here for you! Simply comment on the post about your current struggle so we can connect. I would also love it if you emailed me, so we can set up some time to layout your goals and a road map to accomplishing them.

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