Time is running out…..or is it?


While studying for the CPA exam a timeline and schedule is a must. Days and weeks pass so quickly that there is no other way to keep track of the material studied and what is left to review.  I set my schedule this window to complete three sections of the exam, first AUD, REG and then BEC. I took AUD on October 4th. Scheduled REG for November 7th and BEC for November 30th. With less then 2 weeks before the next exam I am starting to doubt the schedule I set.


I have taken this section twice, first take my score was a 72 and the last take I got a 68.  When I started studying for this section again I thought that the material be refreshed in my memory rather quickly and the time for review would be plenty. I am finding out that this is not the case.  During my multiple choice question review my scores are anywhere between 60 and 70, with a few 75 to 80 sections.  I have made it half way through the material with Gleim up to this point.

Moving Forward

Having reached the half way mark in my pregnancy, I know that I need an adequate amount of sleep to sustain myself and the baby during the day. This is where the question comes in, do I make a change to my timeline?

I have already put in some really good study sessions on REG, so I know that this is the section I will be taking next, but does it HAVE to be on November 4th?  My NTS isn’t expiring on that day, in fact I have until January 7th to take the section without loosing my NTS fees.

I wanted to be able to enjoy the last few months of my pregnancy without having to worry about studying, so that is why I set my exams all for the final quarter of 2011.  My BEC NTS also expires on January 7th and I don’t loose my FAR credit until May 2012 (although I know that really isn’t that far away in CPA exam terms)

Plan 1

The first option is to stick with my original schedule and give it everything I’ve got. I won’t be able to take any time off during the work week for stuyding because I have to hold on tight to all the sick/annual time I have for when the baby is here and I’m on maternity leave.

Plan 2

Move REG and BEC back. This plan will give me the extra time I need to adequately study for REG.  I checked for seat availablilty in November for REG and there are plenty of test dates.  I have my eye on November 19th, mostly because it is a Saturday and the week before Thanksgiving. I would then schedule BEC for January 7th.  This would give me a hefty 7 weeks of study time for the section.

Decision Time

I have until next Saturday to decide what my plan of action will be before I will have to pay a $65 rescheduling fee with Prometric.  Rescheduling before that date I will pay $35. Both of which are worth the cost if I’m not properly prepared for the exam and end up failing.  I don’t have time or energy for anymore failed sections, I want and need to be done with the exam. I also don’t want to be studying while out on maternity leave. This will be our last baby and I want to enjoy and remember the time I get to spend with the newest addition to our family. I need the time to unwind and regroup, unplug from the crazy, fast passed life we live.

If you were in my shoes what would you do? Leave a comment of your ideas and thoughts, thanks!!


  1. Hi Elena, I say push REG back and take BEC in January. Like u said you want to confident going in. Maybe its best you don’t rush and study at a pace where your retaining info and feeling confident.

  2. Plan 2 sounds better to me. You need to rest and it sounds like you’re burning the candle at both ends.

  3. If you don’t feel that you will have enough time to prepare for both REG and BEC by the end of November I say move them back. You are pregnant, raising a a family of three beautiful children who you devote your time, working full time, and studying for two sections of a very difficult exam. You need to do what is best for you. As I said, my opinion is move it back. Good Luck!

  4. Have you taken BEC before? Did you pass and lose credit? Did you not pass? What’s holding you back on passing REG? These are all questions I would need answers too before giving any kind of advice.

  5. Thanks for the feedback!

    Mrs. Commoner – I have passed and lost BEC, due to AUD & REG. I am struggling with the law section of REG, although I thought I had the tax portion down & now that I’m studying it I’m not getting the scores I expected. It’s possible that I am also being extra tough on myself with higher then normal expectations. At the same time I feel like I should because I have no desire to study while on maternity leave.

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