New Audit Exam Timeline

Last Test Results

 Although my score was a 69, two points lower than my previous attempt at the section, my performance based on content was the best yet.  This section has been the hardest for me to complete.  I still have yet to figure out exactly why, but instead of taking the time to figure out all the reasons I am going to focus on memorizing more of the material, answering the multiple choice questions more, and practicing at least three times as many simulations as I did the last time around.

What does the mean exactly?

It is hard to interpret the score results to an exact science.  What I do is look at my performance compared to passing candidates.  This helps me to know which sections of the content specification outline I need to focus my attention on.  When I re-study for an exam I review all the topics, but for topics that I was ‘weaker’ in I spend much more time reviewing.  Looking at the breakdown between multiple choice questions and the simulations, I was stronger on the multiple choice questions and weaker on the simulations.  Again another indicator that I need to focus my time and energy on simulation review.


Next Test Date

My plan from here on out is to take one section each test window.  The last two test windows I took two exams each time.  Unfortunately I did not pass a section either time.  This tells me that I need to slow down and really concentrate on one section at a time.  I have a busy life, I work full time, have three children, and all of our extended family lives in the same town as we do.  This leads to many distractions and changes in study schedule.  I need to be able to spend quality time with my family but still have the time I need to devote to concentrated study time. 

I will be taking the AUD section of the exam mid August.  I haven’t applied for my NTS so the test isn’t officially scheduled, but I will have 6 to 7 weeks of study time for this section. This amount of time is usually suggested for a first take of a section, so I plan on running through the entire study material from beginning to end.  More than once.  The goal is to study a minimum of 24 hours each week.  I am also changing up my schedule of when I will be studying.  I will be studying early morning, before getting ready for work and during my lunch break.  The evenings will be devoted to the kids and family.  On the weekends I will also get up early and study before everyone is awake.  I will also study during my 2 year olds nap, which is usually two hours long. 

This also means that the majority of my studying will be done in the comfort of my own home.  I had been using my friends office in the past, studying after work sometimes until 9 or 10.  This is a great way to get a long focused study session in, because I didn’t have access to the internet and I didn’t have kids coming to ask me 20 questions.  I may utilize my friends office on weekends here and there, but will spend the majority of my time at home.  I also have been super exhausted lately in the afternoon, so studying while tired will not be effective. I hope that the sleepiness is just a phase and that soon I will have the energy I once did, but until then I will adjust my schedule to fit my bodies needs. 

Study Material and Plan

My initial thought was to switch study material from Becker to something else, but after receiving my score breakdown, I have decided to stick with it for the most part.  I also have Gleim study material, which I will be utilizing for extra multiple choice questions as well as simulation review.  If in the last two to three weeks of studying I feel like I’m not getting enough out of Gleim and Becker I will purchase the Roger CRAM study material.  Not only is my time limited, so are my financial resources to switch study material and paying the testing fee. 

So here begins my studying to finally put this section behind me!!

Photo by: Sterlic’s on Flickr

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